“Not today, Traffic.” Rodney shouted out while behind the wheel on the way to work. It was a zippity do da kind of day for Rodney. Birds were chirping, the sky was blue, the humidity was finally letting its death grip loose, it was a fine day.
Rodney pulled up to his favorite parking spot, put his nifty car shade on the windshield, and set out to his office to close some deals and make stuff happen. He hopped in the elevator and on the way up, BOOM. His phone alerted him to yet ANOTHER deal that closed. He was on FIRE. Strolling casually through the office, without a care in the world, he stopped by the break room and picked up a piping hot cup of his favorite coffee. After exchanging pleasantries with his team, he headed to his desk and took a minute to reflect on all that his small business, KRAPGLOW, INC. had accomplished this year. They were straight up crushing it in the glow-in-the-dark toilet roll biz.

Rodney booted up his laptop and gazed out his office window as happy little squirrels scurried about. Once his machine was ready to go he logged in and went straight to his email, and BAZINGA, there it was. It’s an email that looked a lot like it was from the fine folks at the BUTZPAPER factory. Was this it? Was he about to close the deal of a lifetime? He clicked with excitement, and then clicked again as the hyperlink in the message hinted he needed to complete some paperwork to clench the deal. And then, it happened. His trusty machine started throwing up error messages left and right. Alarms sounded, and warning messages about data loss and hard drive failure started to take over the screen. But wait. There was a glimmer of hope. There was a link to click to get help. Rodney clicked again and within seconds was greeted by Harry via direct message on the screen. Harry offered to help Rodney out, but first, he’d need remote access into Rodney’s device. Rodney clicked again and within seconds, Harry took over and then advised Rodney that his anti-virus protection was out of date and that he’d have to click again to download an updated version. Within minutes, the “new” version of the “anti-virus” was installed and Harry excused himself from the direct link to Rodney’s machine.
“Phew! That was a close call” Rodney exclaimed. Harry really saved the day and the KRAPGLOW company would live to close another deal. But, this day of Zippity Do Da was about to turn to Krap for Rodney. It turns out, all of those clicks and that seemingly helpful anti-virus software was a spy. It would weasel its way deep into Rodney’s operating system, listen for his passwords, learn access to the company’s bank accounts as he logged into them, and send all of that important information straight to Kerzplakiston where it is promptly put up for sale on the dark web. This wasn’t good. This was ugly. This was a very bad end to a very good day. This was ScareWare at its worst.

All of this could have been prevented if Rodney had a proactive IT company like Advanced Systems Solutions to constantly ensure that his software was updated and set up to defend him and the KRAPGLOW company from these cyber criminals. Rodney did ultimately reach out and we were able to restore his machine and protect it against further attacks. Rodney’s day improved ever so slightly.
When you hire us, you’ll get peace of mind, you’ll get security, and you’ll get a partner who is in IT to win IT for YOU.
Relax, we’re on IT. Call Advanced Systems Solutions today at 407-414-6626 or visit our contact form. We’ll be in touch soon!