The alarm clock screamed to life and it was WAY too early. Harvey reached across the night stand, fumbled to find the snooze button and realized he got to sleep in for at least another hour. Harvey WAS a hybrid paralegal for the Johnson & Johnson & Johnson & Johnson Law Group in downtown Orlando. No traffic for him. No long commutes. No aggravation at the gas pump. Hybrid Harvey cannot be shackled in an office building, the world is now his office. From the local Denny’s on the corner, to the rest stop near I-75 in Okahumpka. If you’ve got free WiFi, Harvey is there.

This morning Harvey had a hankering for a triple pumpkin spice, quadruple soy, vanilla shot with oat milk foam Latte. He took his sweet time getting ready, got a shower, got a tight shave, and then got dressed for success. Harvey grabbed his favorite Garfield tie, laced up his dress shoes, grabbed his laptop and was off to the Central Perk coffee shop for that sweet, sweet, pumpkin spice. On the way to the coffee shop his boss called his cell. “Go for Harvey!” Harvey said as he answered the phone. “Harvey, it’s Mike. Listen, I need those documents sent over to me within the next five minutes for trial.” Mike had a bit of a panic in his voice. “You got it, boss. Do you need the redacted docs or the non?” Harvey said in a bit of a calm, yet confident voice. “I need the redacted files, Harvey, please send them along as soon as you can.”
Harvey rushed into the coffee shop, but NOT before placing his order. I mean, a man needs to have his priorities straight. The line was a bit long this AM, but Harvey knew that it was the dawn of PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) season, so it’s to be expected. Harvey placed his order, slid over the $14.50 for his coffee order, and realized that his boss had called his cell two more times since he had been in line. He listened to the frantic voice mails that Mike had left. “Harvey, I need those redacted files, the Judge is getting increasingly annoyed.” “Calm down” Harvey said out loud. He got settled in at a free table, pulled out his laptop just in time for the counter to let him know his cup of pure bliss was ready. Harvey strolled to the front, grabbed his Latte, took an initial blissful sip, and smiled from ear to ear. It was heavenly. He felt his phone vibrate once more in his pocket on the way back to the table, “Geez Louise, I’m working on it” Harvey exclaimed.

Harvey sat down and logged in to the WiFi for the Central PARK free WiFi. The laptop roared to life, connected to the internet with lightning speed and Harvey was in business. He did find it odd how quick the Internet connection was, it’s usually sluggish at the Central Perk. He shook that fleeting thought off and proceeded to pull up the documents his boss was having a cow over. He opened Outlook, attached what he thought was the redacted version of the deposition and hit the send button. The second he hit that little blue send button a series of ugly events commenced. Harvey sat back, patted himself on the back for accomplishing this enormous file sharing task and sipped on that cup of joy in front of him. A few minutes went by and Harvey’s phone started to blow up again. It was Mike. Mike was pissed. Not only did Harvey send Mike the non-redacted file, the file was now ONLINE for EVERYONE to see. Harvey was baffled. “How did that get public? That’s impossible, he thought.” It wasn’t impossible. The file was intercepted and posted by a hacker sitting not even 15 feet away from him. Remember that super speedy internet connection? Harvey had logged on to a spoofed version of the Central Perk WiFi and the hacker intercepted the file and posted it on Reddit just to be a jerk.
Mike was not pleased. Harvey was responsible for protecting these confidential documents and he obviously failed that mission. Harvey now has a LOT more time in the morning to get ready as he was dismissed from the Johnson & Johnson & Johnson & Johnson Law Group.
While this story may sound a bit far fetched, it isn’t. This happens. Oftentimes, this data interception is used to set up a data ransomware situation, or sometimes, it’s just hackers practicing and honing their skills to screw even more unsuspecting people down the road. Allowing your team members to work remotely does indeed have its benefits, but it also has its dangers. When a team member is in the office and logged onto a secure and monitored network, there are obviously far more security advantages and less room for error or hacks. The team at Advanced Systems Solutions can help secure your remote team members laptops/PCs with a secure VPN that allows for safe and secure file transfers. We can also help to educate your team about some of the security pitfalls of being a remote team member. Just say the word and Relax, We’re On IT. Call (407) 414-6626 or visit