A time for renewal, a time for reflection, a time to change your old ways and embrace the new. Yes, it’s time to for us all to reflect on our technology storage strategies. Why all of the thought provoking reflection? Well, you realize that it’s now 2024. It’s now time to surge forward with a more sound data storage situation. You realize that the stakes are getting higher and higher, and higher every year. Those pesky cyber thugs are creeping on data even more, and their techniques are getting more and more polished. Freaking cyber thugs.
After deep reflection, you’ve also realized that it’s not really all that advantageous for your company to keep those 16 moaning servers laying around sucking up juice, blowing out heat, and keeping you from moving Bob to the old IT closet (to get him the heck away from your office). You’ve pondered your actual backup situation, and realize that you can hardly even find a backup tape one the Amazon’s anymore to replace your 20 year old tapes. And, wow, you’re so sick of swapping out the series of tapes for each day of the week. It’s been exhausting. Your antiquated IT company, who just LOVES when you call for a server problem, and LOVES it when they need to come swap out a part that only THEY can source, keeps encouraging you to simply swap out the servers with shiny new ones. Of course they do. But, you’re smarter than that. You’ve been enlightened, you’re ready for change, peace of mind, and a new fan dangled way of keeping your company safe. But, where to begin?
You’ve heard about this super reliable company. This IT firm who actually shows up, who is proactive, who genuinely cares about the success of your company and its IT infrastructure. This company who has helped hundreds of companies in Central Florida find better ways of doing things, ways to save them money, ways to set their companies up for growth and success. You need to schedule a call with Advanced Systems Solutions. ASSI will build a down to earth plan that will help migrate the data, setup proper permissions to keep that nosy guy from HR out of your files, and most importantly, setup alternative backup solutions that backup your data in a completely separate place from the Cloud solution you chose. ASSI can also help you migrate from older software to new, deploy upgraded software to each local machine on your network, monitor what’s happening with your data, and ensure that if something goes wrong, it gets the attention that it deserves TODAY, not two weeks from now.

You are going to love working with this team and you’ll be the true superhero by saving your company money, aggravation, and important real estate in your office. You’ll be providing peace of mind, efficiency, cost savings, and a true proactive approach to your company’s IT needs. You’ve come a long way, and this year is the time. ASSI is proud of you! Your old IT company is probably going to be annoyed, but they’ll find another company to stick this old noisy servers in. This 2024 is going to be the year for YOU and your success with ASSI.
When your business needs a modern approach to data, proactive IT infrastructure support, and easy to use software solutions for your team, it’s time to call Advanced Systems Solutions. Call us at (407) 414-6626 today, and relax we’re on IT.