Mike is traditionally a pretty sound sleeper EXCEPT when he is abruptly awoken by a very distinct ringtone. It was 4:20AM and just like that, he was jostled by the Star Wars Imperial March theme song blaring out of his Android. That particular tone was only reserved for his Ex-Wife Marcia, and Bob. Well, thank God it wasn’t Marcia, BUT, we have a bigger problem to shuffle through. When Bob calls it’s NEVER good. Either he’s complaining about the low coffee supply in the break room OR the fact that Mike’s small business bank accounts have been drained overnight by a cyber thug. This morning, it was the latter. While Bob delivered the devastating news to a half-awake Mike, Mike had to spring into action and get down to the office.
A few months ago, after a similar scare, Mike started to hit the Google’s to find solutions to his weak IT network at his business. He tried to do it all himself, he was bound and determined to figure this out and save his company a few bucks in the meantime. He downloaded a few patches, updated some software, patched up a few patches, and called it even. Now, once again, Mike is pulled away from doing what he really needs to be doing, leading and growing his company and this time, he’s got quite the financial quandary to deal with. Mike instantly regretted not hiring that IT company to keep tabs on his IT infrastructure. That small monthly investment would have saved him from countless nightmares and a lot less phone calls from Bob. That guy really annoys Mike.
Why do YOU need an IT company to manage your IT services?
Well, for one, you don’t need your corporate bank account drained by some punk in Kerzplakistan who instantly becomes an overnight billionaire after duping your office manager into clicking a link in an email. Second, a managed services provider like Advanced Systems Solutions will offer up the following and keep your phone from blowing up at 4 in the morning.

Threat Monitoring:
Cyber punks are constantly learning how to screw your business out of money and hold your network hostage. Outside threat monitoring from a company dedicated to watching your back can help to thwart instructions and penetrations to your network systems. We have cutting edge tools that are constantly being updated to help monitor your network and jump into action if we detect any threats.
Security Policies and Measures:
A one size all approach doesn’t work for every company when it comes to network security. Advanced Systems Solutions takes the time to individualize a custom plan for your particular business. Our plans typically consist of firewalls, intrusion detection, data encryption and multi-factor authentication. We also provide security auditing and possibly the biggest value add, we help to train your team about what NOT to click.

Data Backup & Recovery:
This is usually where most companies have challenges. Let’s say that God forbid, your company is hit by a ransomware threat and you don’t have your data backed up, you truly risk losing all of your data if you don’t pony up to hackers demands. With Advanced Systems Solutions, your data will be backed up, and then backed up some more automagically. So if something as dastardly as a ransomware strike hits your network, you can simply call ASSI and we’ll be able to restore your data quickly and efficiently. That piece of mind is priceless, especially for a small business owner.
Your business is growing and there comes a point in time where you need more robust systems to keep things on target. Working with a team like ASSI allows you to focus on the big picture and not on your IT infrastructure. We’re always here to help you customize a system that will help your business grow. Whether it’s software solutions, network security, backup solutions, remote access for remote team members, or hardware, you’ll always have ASSI ready to spring into action and help you grow and thrive.
Time to change that ringtone.
When you’re ready to focus on growing your business and not worrying about your network, it’s time to add (407) 414-6626 to your speed dial list, and we’d recommend using the theme song from Superman for our ringtone.